Thursday, February 6, 2014

Continuation of the challenge

Write a letter to your child’s birth/adoptive parents.  Either keep this letter private because this is a personal activity or after the activity if you feel it is appropriate, consider sharing it with who it was intended for.

Dear Birthparents,

We miss you and we wish we would hear from you soon. When she was first born I felt this amazing beautiful connection with you and although our contact after the hospital was only two letters, I miss you and I want to know you are doing well.

You should see how much she has grown. Its amazing. Since you have other children I guess it wouldn't be so shocking for you but since she is our first, we watch with utter amazement as her vocabulary improves, her physician abilities seem to multiply in front of our eyes. She walks, talks, yells, sings, and she even puts her baby dolls to bed. "Lay Down!" she hollers at anyone who decides to play baby for her if they even so much as breathe! "Lay down!" and then she covers you back up with a blanket, plops down beside you and proceeds to rub your back and sometimes sing to you. It is amazing, and funny. I wish you could see it, or at least I wish I could tell you about it.

I wonder everyday where you are and what you are doing. When we last talked you wanted to go back to school and learn a trade. I was hoping so much that you would. You are so smart and so clever and so strong. I've asked the agency to try and locate you but they haven't been successful.

I really hope all is well, you would be so proud of our little girl!

I love and miss you,
M.S. Simons

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. You are so kind to wonder about them. They ARE brave.
