Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The media has a lot to do with the way we feel about our society and ourselves in general.  Did you see an article., a cartoon or an advertisement that had either a positive or negative impact on you today?  Describe this impact!

This was the media I was exposed to today. I heard about this case for the first time today and all I can say is that these people are not FIT To be adoptive parents.  And the shocking part of this to that they still have custody of their other 2 adopted children. It is always a sad day in the world when someone or some ones make a mockery of adoption.

In this case I want to ask the parents..."What, if he was a natural child you would have shoved him back in?"

How, how can a parent do this to the child they love? I really don't care that the county failed to disclose certain aspects of this child's prenatal exposures. They had this child as their own since he was 3 months old. 9 years later these "parents" (and I use this term loosely) can just say, well he's causing problems, not the PERFECT child, lets take him back and trade him in.

This is not to say that the child's problems aren't serious. It is very serious. BUT what if, just what if he was your natural born child, THEN what would you have done? Would you have still taken him to social services and abandoned him? NO no no no  no. You get this child help. You take him to therapy, get him medication, do zen chants, voodoo chants, pray, anything, everything, explore ALL options out there to help this child. YOU DO NOT TAKE HIM BACK TO SOCIAL SERVICES WITH A NOTE SAYING "Sorry but you aren't part of our family anymore!"

In my world, writing someone out of your family is THE WORST THING You can do to anyone.

Fuck the word Adoptive before the word parent. You are either a parent or not. I am a mother. Mom, Momma, sometimes called Daddy, or on the rare occasion MA! (yes I get that already from my not yet 2 year old). But the fact remains.... I am a mom.It is only if I am discussing about HOW i became a mom that the word Adoptive ever goes before it. I am a proud mother who happens to be a mom via adoption. I am proud of my daughter's adoption and I am proud to discuss it at length with anyone who asks. But I AM A MOM. No matter what my daughter does, no matter what I don't know about her prenatal care, no matter whether she yells at me someday and says "you're not my real mom!!!" (Stab the knife through my heart right now!) but nevertheless, I am HER mother. I will always be.

If you don't share this view point, then DO NOT ADOPT. This includes you wanna be do gooders who think that Adopting a child is a way of helping society and part of your religious mission. You know, the people who say "it's such a blessing to be willing to take this on..." BARF. I really don't care what your motivation is that makes you want to adopt, but once you have adopted, you are a parent to that child for the rest of it's life.

I am disgusted by the people that "re-place" their adopted child with a different family. I am disgusted by this couple that did this to a 9 YEAR OLD! A 9 year old! Can you believe that? This kid isn't being an obnoxious teenager, he obviously has severe emotional and psychological issues. GET HIM HELP. You know what doesn't help a 9 year old with severe emotional issues? ABANDONMENT!

So, that's the media that had the most influence on me today.  Five bucks says Cincinnati and its surrounding areas now go through a dry spell of birth mothers because of this stupid incident. Nothing like national or local news that defiles the word of adoption to have a ripple effect.

So, here I am. Still waiting.

Good Luck,

M.S. Simons

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